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Hello, welcome to all of you in our blog: If you want to start a blog or website on all WordPress, then you have Big Opportunity, do not miss this opportunity: We are saying that this opportunity does not come again and again 70 % Off Hostinger’s web hosting is getting offers more than 50% Off. This is a Special offer as you all know. Festival and Christmas get a lot of company discounts. Hostinger is a very big brand company. All these people know:
If you want to create a blog now, you can buy Hostinger’s web hosting cool. If you want to start a blog even after 1 to 2 months, then you can also keep hosting purchase “Why this?” This is why we are saying that you will save money now if you buy later, you will not get such a discount i.e. 70% off, then you will have to pay more money, if you save money then you can spend this money in your blog. And can improve your blog “Hostinger Extra 90%” Off “The best is that it also has a 30-day money-back guarantee, that means if you don’t like hosting, cancel and take money return. It is so best that you will not feel like canceling:
Hostinger’s web hosting Plan # done and what are the features
# 1 Single Shared Hosting
$ 0.99 / Monthly
In this plan you get 1 single domain and you get 10 GB SSD storage in it. If you are a new blogger, then you have to make it a site, then the plan is exactly right and you get 10 000 visits monthly so much visitors are enough. Free SSL (11.99 $ value) for 100 GB Bandwidth, 2 Databases, 99.9% Uptime Guarantee Its speed is awesome. 30 Days Money Back Guarantee is also “This plan is best for beginner as every blogger’s site in Start. But the traffic is not as good as I am in the blogging field, I know all these people ask the most speed in any hosting company, because they find that speed does a lot of metering for ranking.
# 2 Premium Shared Hosting
$ 2.59 / mo
In this plan you can set up 100 Websites domains. If you have more than 1 website to create, then this plan is perfect. You can get it: 20 GB SSD Storage More than 1 website will be running smoothly for 25 000 visits Monthly Free Email will also be available Free SSL (11.99 $ value) Its SSL gives very good website Secure is more. The market price of the SSL they provide is ₹ 895 which you will get free and get the feature Free Domain (8.99 $ value ) Wow free domain will also be available. If you want to buy the domain then you will get the domain with this hosting, you will also save money: Next Feature: Unlimited Bandwidth, WordPress Acceleration This site boosts speed 30 Days Money Back Guarantee, Unlimited Databases , 99.9% Uptime Guarantee, & other best features
# 3 Business Shared Hosting
$ 3.99 / mo
If you want to open a business, then these plans are perfect. In this plan also you can install 100 Websites domains. 100 GB SSD storage is available. Small business is the right plan to start 100 000+.
Visits Monthly will be very easy Next Feature Free Email which is right for business Free SSL (11.99 $ value) You will also get Free Domain (8.99 $ value) Unlimited Bandwidth will get WordPress Acceleration which boost website speed more 30 Days Money Back Guarantee If you did not like hosting, you can cancel and take money Unlimited Databases, Daily Backups (11.40 $ value / yr) In this you get the feature of Daily Backup, its market price is ₹ 852 Free CDN (9.95 $ value) too. Which makes the site double speed, this will also get you free. Cloudflare Protected Nameservers will protect you from DDos attack. Keep your Nameserver secure 24/7/365 Support. These support are available in sub plan. 99.9% Uptime Guarantee Uptime means It is your site will never be down and other best features are available “These 3 plans are the most popular” Visit Official Site
Hostinger Hosting Buying Guide
Single Shared Hosting
If you open this plan, you will see 4 options. These are the price for different years. We will tell you that you have chosen Batter Plan which of these: If you take one year’s hosting, you will get the price: Subtotal: $ 35.88 so much Indian If you convert to rupees: ₹ 2,679 will be this much, but this price does not always remain so low, if you take it for 2 years, then you will benefit. 2 years price is: Subtotal: $ 38.16 Indian rupees will be 2,850. In this, you will get 84% Off. For 2 years you have a distance of 171 rupees. If you charge 171 rupees, then hosting will be done for 2 years. You will get $ 0.99 73 rupees per month if you take it for 3 years. Price Subtotal: $ 47.52 will be Rs 3,546

Premium Shared Hosting
You also get 4 options in this plan. Subtotal: $ 71.88 will be so much in Indian rupees 5,370, it will also get the same features that are given in this plan. Compare this price with a 2-year plan. Subtotal: $ 95.76 Indian price will be 7,152 rupees 64. % Off is if you take the same for 3 years, $ 2.59 will be rupee per month, ie it will be 193 months and 3 years Subtotal: $ 124.32 will be 9,283 in Indian, you take 2 years straight:

Business Shared Hosting
These are business plans. There are also 4 plans in it. If you take it for one year, then you will have to pay Subtotal: $ 83.88, that is, you will have a month of 521 rupees. Business is also for long term, you will get all the features in it, the more you take the day, the cheaper it will be.
Big Bonus Free
We will give you a free $ 199 $ Bonus
Elementor Pro Key Lifetime for free
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How to get Elementor Pro Key: If you buy Hostinger hosting from here, we will give you a bonus free. First of all: Click on “Buy Hostinger Hosting” to buy hosting. After buying hosting, please message us Whatsapp {+ 91- 6209844142} After that we will Verify and send you the key on Whatsapp, if you do not come to Activate, then we will activate Elementor Pro’s Original Price